Monday, April 23, 2012

@ home with history

Went home to see my mother and brothers this weekend and got some great leads on history happenings. First was the breaking news of 20 British Spitfires to be unearthed in Burma, having been buried in shipping crates near the end of WWII. The expectation is that they will be in sterling condition after being packaged in grease, wax wrappings and tar!
Next, Bloody Crimes, a book by James L. Swanson chronicles, among other things,  how the U.S. handled the "treason" of Jefferson Davis after the Civil War.

I learned about our family connection to the F.B. Mills Seed Company near Marietta, NY where my mom grew up. An article in the Plank Road Magazine recounted the history of this turn-of-the 20th century company which housed women workers on site much like the Lowell Textile Mills; my great-grandmother among them!
Lastly, I enjoyed watching the documentary about the curious life of the Explorer; arguably the first successful submarine.

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