Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Tuesday

My day began by sharing the cover story about China in the recent issue of NewScientist with our Global Studies. I cued up the timers on the video network to tape two shows over the break for the Animal Science teacher. The English 12 class was taking down their Dante's Inferno hall display and asked me to document it. I posted the photos and video clips of that disassembly in the district's shared photo folder. Also gave that teacher a copy of this Wellesley address as he has been taking some flack about using Dante in his course. I hop-scotched to student files on my jump-drive to my faculty-account workstation so that I could access the color printer for them in the upstairs lab.

Three English 11 classes came to the Library lab as scheduled to take the TRAILS library assessment that I linked to our library home page. I responded to a walk-in request from a Special Ed teacher and printed her a shelf list of our Playaway audio books. I stopped by the Social Studies 7 classroom to mention to the teacher that he might want to use the map files that I placed in the shared folder as overlays in his next Google Earth historic sights "flyover."

I dubbed eight tapes for the Continuing Education office. At lunch, I photographed a school mascot project in production at a local metal shop. I printed the photos to share with the student designers, art teacher, athletic director, dean of students, and head custodian. A school visitor waiting in the lobby for a Grandparent's Day assembly, asked if I could identify a book she was hoping to buy for her grandson. On scant evidence we located The Anybodies by N.E. Bode!

Steered an inquisitive student to Norman Maclean's Young Men and Fire; an old favorite just out of the box. Ran an S-cable up to 8th grade Science so that the teacher could link a video camera to a projector to show their just-completed skits. When she returned the camera, I ran the footage through iMovie and exported it for the Middle School News page of our website. Found that teacher's "Science Student of the Week" in the hall, took his picture, included it in two copies of the certificate; one that I placed in the frame on the lobby reception desk, and one for the student.

Loaned and check-in 24 books during the day.

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