Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day in Afton

Once again the Memorial Day observance in Afton was poignant, respectful, and memorable. The Afton Marching Band marched and performed, bouquets were tossed into the Susquehanna from the river bridge, the V.F.W. saluted the fallen, and ACS students recited In Flanders Field and the Gettyburg Address.

Afterwards, the town historian, Charles Decker, joined us for a picnic on our porch. He was mentioning how there are more than 90 Civil War veterans buried in our community cemeteries, when he recalled a photo in his collection of a Memorial Day observance in town in which Civil War veterans marched.

Happily, our library is in possession of nearly all of Mr. Decker's historical articles and we reproduce that amazing image here, with his kind permission.

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