Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My day

Met with my elementary library colleague to discuss Co-Ser purchases, decide on new Reading Counts images, and shared ideas on project-based research opportunities we would like to explore.

Forwarded a Chronicle of Higher Education link to our principal so that she might compare our recent faculty survey results with a similar survey of college educators.

Also set out our first tri-panel displayer in the lobby; taking some video of traffic patterns around it to make sure it would not be disruptive.
Printed a 3D project for a student and introduced another student to TinkerCad.
Made this rebus poster for National Poetry Month. Some good responses to it!
Updated our tri-panel displayer with some visibility red tape. Safety first, you know.
Took photos of my colleague's research project display to use as an example when I write to our MSHS faculty.
Great example of celebrating process as well as results.
Made a slide show of a Mary Oliver poem for our foyer flatscreen.
Created a second tri-panel display of Afton latitude around the world.

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