Monday, February 27, 2017


Today we officially launched the arrival of the Winter issue of our student Art & Literature publication: The Dark Side of Flashlights.

I designed the 88 page document using InDesign on the library’s iMac.

Earlier in the year I had photographed the student artwork when hosting it at a library exhibition. These images were cropped, edited, and labeled. I followed the same procedure for images that provided the inspiration for the writing portion of the publication; holding all images in a pool folder recognized by InDesign.

Subsequently, I captured the student Word files through our shared folders as provided by the participating teacher. Once placed on the page, these were uniformly formatted using style-sheets.

The only hunt-and-peck processes involved creating the Table of Contents after jockeying page order several times.

After a reasonably scrupulous proof-read, I submitted a proof copy to Upon it’s arrival, we made a few modifications and I then ordered three copies to donate to the library at $12.50 each.

The publication features the work of over three dozen ACS students. Proud.

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