Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The Chase

It’s funny, but I have to stop
what I am doing and write this down

because of the joy that it brings me

I am putzing around with a model idea-
arranging beautifully scaled little wooden beams

against a scale drawing on graph paper

The plan calls for holes to be drilled
through the ends of the 5/16th inch beams-

about the diameter of a healthy toothpick

I brought in my hand-drill for that purpose
as well as my daintiest bit,

but not an extra hand to hold the piece

But as I returned to the library it sprang into my head
that the bottom side of my library shelves

have four channels chased into their length

And these channels are the perfect
width and depth for securing my work

against the twisting force of the drill

For the rest of the day
I will be satisfied with myself

as though I had accomplished something more.

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