Monday, March 26, 2012


There is a great call for transparency among those we might suspect: corporations, government agencies, officials of every ilk. "If only we knew" what they were doing in board rooms, between loop holes, beyond gated entrances we would be better off, they would be more accountable, things would improve.

Myself, I have been making my library and my professional-self invitingly transparent (and I would argue more positively visible) through this blog for several years to the benefit of my programs, my students, and to the climate of learning I hope to cultivate.

It seems to me that if other teachers within the district were similarly open about their teaching, sharing: nuggets of choice knowledge, compelling resources, personal teaching/learning epiphanies, professional development tips, topical readings and recommendations, excerpts of student accomplishments, etc. - that our mission here would be well-served.

Transparency. The new collegiality.

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