Monday, March 26, 2012

Poetry on the rack

After many years of deferring, we have subscribed to Poetry magazine. Our first issue arrived on Friday. Why did we wait so long?

It features new poems, poems from the last 100 years, essays of remembrance of poets by poets, and comments: something for everyone.

I especially like the epigram-like poems of Vera Pavlova in the Comments section: here are a few:

- Inspiration: when I have confidence in myself.

- I put words into my poems the way I pack a suitcase for a trip abroad, choosing only what is most necessary, the most presentable, the lightest, and the most compact.

- A cowbell is the opposite of an alarm system: when you hear it, everything is fine; when you don't, something is wrong. My poetry is a cowbell, not an alarm system.

- Mom, on the exam should I play "March of the Wooden Soldiers" with inspiration or with no mistakes?

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