Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Day

Began by spending some time at the Scholastic Book Fair site; downloading graphics and documents in preparation for our Fair.

Located an online version of our SchoolArts magazine  and sent a link to our Elementary art teacher.

Sent the 8th grade Social Studies teacher a synopsis and link to a trench warfare clip from Paths of Glory that I had remembered as especially authentic for her WWI unit. Also located some excerpts from Goodbye to All That for her to consider.

Set up a laptop and projector in the auditorium for an 11th grade assembly.

Posted new entries to our 1902 student blog.

Framed two "Read Every Day" posters under glass for display on our endcaps.

Posted a poem and two other entries to this blog.

Suggested an alternative assessment for a group of MS Technology students. Reviewed the draft idea with the teacher.

Shared NY Times article about fiction with Lit & Psych teacher and one about the beauty of sentences with the English 9 teacher.

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