Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gaining on the grunt work

An update on our project to shelve our fiction by genre: So far we have moved and updated our database for Fantasy Fiction, Historical Fiction, Detective/Mystery Fiction, Literary Fiction, and Science Fiction. One advantage of this is making it easier to see were we need to beef-up a collection (case-in-point: a frienf of the library has helped us with recommendations for SciFi.
We are also getting around to doing a better job of labeling book series. A couple of top student library advocates have been helping with this process.

We also herded the yet-to-do general fiction to an internal bay so that we can try out our proposed first-impression wall display.
And lastly, I've taken this opportunity to shelve the our audio Playaways (cartons on the shelf, gizmos in the cabinet) in with the books for increased exposure.

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