Thursday, October 24, 2019

Who you were

Not for the first time this ACS autograph book from the the 1940s brought me to a halt as I was looking for something else in our cabinet of archive material.

Who you were

Buried in the library
for at least my 27 years

these lists of who you were
have remained unaged and elegant

within the sombre black
of memories unknown.

Being only names
I search for rationale -

why keep you in the archive?
what can your names tell me

other than where you were
on this occasion, on this date -

mothers and dads
witnessing, indelibly, your children's lives?

And then I think

how like cemetery stones
your signatures have become -

gracefully inscribed, alone,
with only your long wait

to join you to each other
who were neighbors once,

perhaps neighbors still.


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