Monday, October 30, 2017

Our reach and our grasp

One of the Powerful Library Collaborations (PLC) that I have decided to be a part of is Library Advocacy. As I casted about thinking how we might work together to leverage that advocacy in our own SLS, one thing I considered was working for all our libraries to have a visual link on their building home page, if not their district home page. So I spent a few hours surveying our DCMO sites and came up with this data:
This led me to consider if the library landing pages that these home page links might lead to were, well, robust or perfunctory, illustrative of all that we do or narrow, and most importantly; contemporary-looking-enough to not make student users immediately say "Ugh" and close out of their visit.

This notion of being entrepreneurial about the services we offer and how we present them needs to be understood as a fundamental facet of our virtual presence. It is not showy posturing or being subjectively "pretty." It is about respecting and leveraging the power of good design to communicate our vitality and breadth as strongly as our programs.

While the graphic options may not be within the capacity of some of our sites, I think there are things we can do with design templates and SLS-sourced graphics within eSchoolView to raise the bar on many of our sites.

Meanwhile, here are some public library sites we may want to emulate.

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