Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flexing the network

You know that moment when you finish the perimeter of a jigsaw puzzle and there is that rapid placement of the last 2 or 3 pieces when you know you've got it? You're not done, but you are definitely on the road to getting there.

This week, with our new cart of laptops online and our LibLab now a bookable lab, faculty members have been hovering around the ol' librarian likes hounds around a pork-chop. I've had a real opportunity to plant some dormant ideas on how faculty can use our network to collect files of student work, annotate it using the "Comment" notes under the "Review" menu of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, then slide it into a folder where students have the rights to open it again and continue the draft process.

The prospect of this process should be a welcome one. It will allow us to focus on the process as much as we do on the product, it will make redistribution of student work easier for classroom presentations and community recognition, and it will provide the foundation for archiving student work for portfolios.

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